
Bothell High School Alumni - Academic
Established in 1998

Value: $2500

# Awarded: 1

Application Due Date: March 7, 2025

Recipients Notified Date: May 1

Field(s) of Study:
General Studies

Recognizes a college bound Bothell graduate who has promoted spirit and pride at Bothell HIgh School.


  • Someone who is active in bettering the school and who has been active in community involvement.


  • Finalists will be interviewed in a coordinated effort of the Career Counseling Center and the officers of the Bothell High School Alumni Association.

Current Recipient(s)

  • Malik Said
    Malik Said
    Bothell 2021

  • Hayden Bewley
    Hayden Bewley
    Bothell 2022
    Washington State University
    Criminology and Criminal Justice